Jumat, Juni 10, 2011

The requested URL /home was not found on this server

"File Not Found!"
"The requested URL /home was not found on this server".
"Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request."

itulah 3 pesan error yg muncul pd halaman domain web konsumenku. bikin aku kaget setelah menupload seluruh file hasil kodinganku (php&mysql basis) ke hosting, betapa tidak besok sudah kudu louncing dgn target pekerjaan cuma seminggu :( padalah ketika dicoba di localhost normal-normal saja :)

langsung dech saat itu juga aku tanyain ke om google, beberapa cara sudahku coba tp tetep error juga, namun setelah beberapa link kucoba akhirnya aku menemukan solusinya di You don't have permission to access / on this server. hmmm, intinya ada pada file .htaccess ku.

oh ya kita juga bisa 'Custom 404 (File Not Found) error pages.' caranya bisa baca disini.

I've noticed that some people have created a customized web page that appears when you try to access a page on their site that does not exist. How can I do that?

Yup, senang juga bisa memecahkan problem yg ada. seru bercampur tegang!

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